I Have No Clue What I’m Doing! (Part 1 Of… A Lot)

So, this is a series that I imagine will continue for… ever.  But it will definitely be something that pops up a lot in the early post-school years.  And would have popped up a lot during school if I had thought to approach it this way at the time.  But I didn’t.  Yet another way in which I have no clue what I’m doing.  Haha?  But, in all seriousness, the idea of this post (and the many that will follow) will be to illustrate how things that I thought to be correct or good ideas earlier in the blog turned out to be very bad ideas after implementation and thorough testing and iteration happened.  Who would have guessed that I wasn’t going to get everything right the first time always?  …Everyone.

This first entry in the series is in regards to my entity transfer buffer, and my general threading model considerations, as described in a blog post from earlier this year.  In it, I devoted a bit of code to solving concurrency concerns as they related to updating renderable data from the core engine into my rendering library and to maintaining data that might be getting rendered after the core tried to delete it.  To the second point, more experience with how DirectX 11 command buffers store “in-flight” data quickly made it clear that I didn’t need to handle this at all.  To the first point, the code presented didn’t even fully solve the problem it was trying to address (the way I was buffering add/remove/update commands into the container still had data race issues), plus it introduced a memory leak in the buffered update, and in general presented a terrible calling convention where I expected the external caller to allocate a data struct that I would internally delete.  Just… truly horrific stuff.  But, on top of all of that, I’ve come to realize that a lot of this code was written to solve a problem I shouldn’t be trying to deal with in the first place.

Our engine was built as a synchronous core with potentially asynchronous systems.  At least for this project, attempting to write a thread-safe interface into my rendering library was absolutely overkill since there weren’t any threading related issue with transferring data from the core into my library.  By making my code only as complicated as it needed to be, rather than as complicated as it could be, I made it a lot more stable and functional.  Of course, this opens up another line of questioning; if I wanted to clean up my code and make my library publicly available, wouldn’t it be smart to have a thread-safe interface?  And to that, I’d say… maybe.  It might be nice, but unless you’re making a truly professional grade, absolutely everything must perform at maximum performance, tip top engine, I’m not sure that making the core architecture asynchronous is a great idea.  For smaller scale engines like the one that we built this year, it makes a lot more sense to keep the core simple and let each system handle it’s own threading as it sees fit.  You still get a lot of good performance and generally decent scalability this way, without all of the headache and hassle of managing an entire engine’s worth of thread ordering, syncing, etc.

In the end, this is what my TransferBuffer class ended up being:

template <typename t_entry, typename t_data, typename t_id>
class TransferBuffer
typedef typename std::unordered_map<t_id, t_entry>::iterator t_iterator;
 std::unordered_map<t_id, t_entry> m_entries;
 t_id m_nextID;
 TransferBuffer() {
   m_nextID = 0;

 ~TransferBuffer() {

 //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
 t_id AddEntry(t_data pData) {
   t_id lReturnID = m_nextID++;

   t_entry lEntry = pData->CreateEntity();
   m_entries.emplace(lReturnID, lEntry);

   return lReturnID;

 //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
 void RemoveEntry(t_id pID) {
   auto lIter = m_entries.find(pID);

   if (lIter != m_entries.end())
     t_entry lEntry = lIter->second;
     delete lEntry;

 //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
 void UpdateEntry(t_id pID, t_data pData) {
   auto lIter = m_entries.find(pID);

   if (lIter != m_entries.end())

 //This should only ever be called by parallel producer threads!
 t_iterator GetEntries() {
   return m_entries.begin();

 t_iterator GetEnd() {
   return m_entries.end();

 //This should only be called from the interface to expose mesh data for physics!
 t_entry GetFromID(t_id pID) {
   auto lIter = m_entries.find(pID);
   t_entry lEntry = nullptr;

   if (lIter != m_entries.end())
     lEntry = lIter->second;

   return lEntry;

And then, of course, this class didn’t really need to be a template at all.  Since all entity and entitydata objects inherit from the same base IEntity and EntityData types, I was able to make an array of TransferBuffer<IEntity*, EntityData*, unsigned> to store my various entity types.  And this allowed me to remove gross switch statements from each operation that my entity manager had to perform, instead accessing the array based on an enum that defined index by entity type.  So, in the end, a lot less code, a lot more stability, and nothing really lost in the translation.

And, that’s it for the first installment of me being incredibly wrong about things.  In other news, I gave a talk about my actual, finished multi-threaded rendering system at Game Engine Architecture Club last month, so once that video gets uploaded to YouTube expect a post about it with links to my slides.  Also, I recently got into the Heroes of the Storm tech alpha and was delighted to see features that I wrote last summer in heavy use in the game (!!!), so also expect a post about that in the very near future.  Stay tuned for those updates; otherwise, it’s the final push through finals and into graduation, followed by plenty of sleep!

New Year, Old Problems

It’s a new school year, and my senior year, so of course I decided that the most reasonable course of action was to put together a new team to build a new game in a new custom engine.  And I’d heavily rebuild my rendering system, too!  I’m smart like that.  And with new work come new posts, so aren’t you all just so lucky?  Also, this post should have been made last Thursday as I’ve made pretty major strides since the information I’m about to talk about, but… school.

At the end of last year I was fairly happy with what I had accomplished, but there were also a lot of things I wanted to add and/or fix that I just never found the time for.  Story of everyone’s life.  My initial work has targeted two major refactor issues that are unsurprisingly intertwined: making the renderer a standalone library and multithreading.

Two years ago, I saw Reggie Meisler give a talk to Game Engine Architecture Club about a basic render-thread system in DX9 (sorry, I don’t have a link to the slides offhand) and it got me started thinking.  Then last year at GDC, I saw a great talk by Bryan Dudash about utilizing deferred contexts in DX11 and the gears really started turning.  I quickly realized that I could combine the knowledge from those two talks into my existing framework and get a lot of benefit, but I also knew that the messy interface (or lack thereof really) into my renderer prevented me from realistically ensuring thread-safety.  And that’s why that never happened last year.

The general concept can be illustrated in this amazing diagram I drew in MS Paint.


There’s two layers of parallelism in my current system, with the ability to add more later as time and performance dictate.  The first layer is to put the actual rendering on a separate thread that constantly loops, consuming the last command list buffer sent to it.  That was the basis of Reggie’s talk and has been a common technique for a while.  The second layer is to utilize deferred contexts to build the command lists for each pass process in parallel, and is the basic implementation discussed in Bryan Dudash’s GDC presentation.  Of course, currently I’m only utilizing those two layers to draw a triangle into a render target and then composite that render target into the final presentation buffer, which is super impressive and all, but it provides a successful proof of concept that I can move forward from.

GoodGraphics26.png, a triangle is reborn!

It turns out that DX11 does a pretty great job of keeping itself thread-safe as long as you don’t try to utilize a single context over two threads, so the major task in getting this working was in keeping my own data thread-safe.  This necessitated three things: a simple public interface into the renderer, a transfer system for the command list buffers, and a transfer system for entities and assets.  The public interface was simple once I refactored and reorganized my classes, and now allows the renderer to run as a standalone library, fulfilling one of my major initial desires with this refactor.

The command list buffer is a read/write/pivot transfer system where the gameloop side copies to the write buffer, the renderloop side copies from the read buffer, and any copy causes a swap between the target buffer and the pivot.  This does introduce a lock into the system, but I used a Benaphore to keep it as lightweight as possible. Here’s the code:

Project: Graphics
Purpose: Declaration of the command list buffer container
Coder/s: Matt Sutherlin (matt.sutherlin@digipen.edu)
Copyright: “All content © 2013 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.”

#pragma once

#include "../Definitions/ProcessEnums.hpp"
#include "../Definitions/DirectXIncludes.hpp"
#include "../Renderer/Benaphore.hpp"

struct CommandListLayer
  CommandListLayer() {
    m_bIsDirty = false;

    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < Passes::NumberOf; ++lI)
      m_commandLists[lI] = nullptr;
  ~CommandListLayer() {
    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < Passes::NumberOf; ++lI)

  bool                m_bIsDirty;
  ID3D11CommandList*  m_commandLists[Passes::NumberOf];

class CommandListBuffer
  CommandListBuffer() {
    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < CommandListLayers::NumberOf; ++lI)
      m_layers[lI] = new CommandListLayer();
  ~CommandListBuffer() {
    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < CommandListLayers::NumberOf; ++lI)
      delete m_layers[lI];
  ID3D11CommandList** GetLayerCommandLists(CommandListLayers::Layer pLayer) {
    if (pLayer == CommandListLayers::Read)

      if (m_layers[CommandListLayers::Pivot]->m_bIsDirty)
        m_layers[CommandListLayers::Read]->m_bIsDirty = false;

        std::swap(m_layers[CommandListLayers::Read], m_layers[CommandListLayers::Pivot]);


    return m_layers[pLayer]->m_commandLists;
  void SwapWriteLayer() {

    m_layers[CommandListLayers::Write]->m_bIsDirty = true;

    std::swap(m_layers[CommandListLayers::Write], m_layers[CommandListLayers::Pivot]);

  CommandListLayer*   m_layers[CommandListLayers::NumberOf];
  Benaphore           m_lock;

The entity/asset system was by far the most complicated to implement, but it came down to a single container class that enqueued data changes (add, update, or remove) until a synchronization was called.  Here is the code:

Project: Graphics
Purpose: Declaration of the transfer buffer container
Coder/s: Matt Sutherlin (matt.sutherlin@digipen.edu)
Copyright: “All content © 2013 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.”

#pragma once

#include <unordered_map>
#include <queue>
#include <type_traits>

//Q01:  How does this work?
//A01:  The game engine could potentially make requests for adding, removing, or
//      deleting resources at any time.  While the ID3D11Device is thread-free, we 
//      still need to be careful with resource management.
//      Adds can create their new resources immediately (and need to do so to return 
//      a resource ID to the caller), but should not be added to traversal lists 
//      while process threads are running.  So we defer that until the next game loop.
//      Updates should only occur at the start of a new game loop, so they're deferred 
//      until the game thread calls for a synch.  We need to ensure the data we're 
//      traversing doesn't get changed out from under us, so we synch this before 
//      producer threads start for the frame.
//      Deletes have two levels of synchronization to deal with.  Removing the resource 
//      from traversal lists needs to happen at the next game loop and removing it 
//      from memory needs to happen at the next render loop after that.
//Q02:  What are the limitations?
//A02:  t_entry objects need to have an UpdateData function, and that function needs to 
//      take a t_data object.
//      t_id objects need to be able to be initialized by setting = 0, and need to 
//      properly increment when post-incremented.
//      t_entry and t_data objects MUST be pointer types.

template <typename t_entry, typename t_data, typename t_id>
class TransferBuffer
  typedef std::pair<t_id, t_entry>                              t_entryPair;
  typedef std::pair<t_id, t_data>                               t_dataPair;
  typedef typename std::unordered_map<t_id, t_entry>::iterator  t_iterator;
  std::unordered_map<t_id, t_entry>   m_entries;
  std::queue<t_entryPair>             m_pendingAdditions;
  std::queue<t_id>                    m_markedDeletions;
  std::queue<t_entry>                 m_pendingDeletions;
  std::queue<t_dataPair>              m_pendingUpdates;
  t_id                                m_nextID;
  TransferBuffer() {
    m_nextID = 0;

  ~TransferBuffer() {


  //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
  t_id AddEntry(t_data pData) {
    t_id lReturnID = m_nextID++;

    t_entry lEntry = new std::remove_pointer<t_entry>::type(pData);
    m_pendingAdditions.push(t_entryPair(lReturnID, lEntry));

    return lReturnID;

  //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
  void RemoveEntry(t_id pID) {

  //This should only ever be called by the game engine!
  void UpdateEntry(t_id pID, t_data pData) {
    t_data lData = new std::remove_pointer<t_data>::type();
    memcpy(lData, pData, sizeof(std::remove_pointer<t_data>::type));

    m_pendingUpdates.push(t_dataPair(pID, lData));

  //This should only ever be called by parallel producer threads!
  t_iterator GetEntries() {
    return m_entries.begin();

  t_iterator GetEnd() {
    return m_entries.end();

  //This should only ever be called by the synchronous game thread!
  //Should get called once per game loop before threading deferred contexts
  void SynchAdd() {
    unsigned lSizeAdditions = m_pendingAdditions.size();

    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < lSizeAdditions; ++lI)
      t_entryPair lEntryPair = m_pendingAdditions.front();
      m_entries.emplace(lEntryPair.first, lEntryPair.second);

  //This should only ever be called by the synchronous game thread!
  //Should get called directly after SynchAdd
  void SynchUpdate() {
    unsigned lSizeUpdates = m_pendingUpdates.size();

    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < lSizeUpdates; ++lI)
      t_dataPair lDataPair = m_pendingUpdates.front();

      auto lIter = m_entries.find(lDataPair.first);

      if (lIter != m_entries.end())
        delete lDataPair.second;

  //This should only ever be called by synchronous game thread!
  //Should get called directly after SynchUpdate
  void SynchMarkedDelete() {
    unsigned lSizeDeletions = m_markedDeletions.size();

    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < lSizeDeletions; ++lI)
      t_id lID = m_markedDeletions.front();

      auto lIter = m_entries.find(lID);

      if (lIter != m_entries.end())
        t_entry lEntry = lIter->second;

  //This should only ever be called by the parallel consumer thread!
  //Should only get called at the start of a render loop
  void SynchPendingDelete() {
    unsigned lSizeDeletions = m_pendingDeletions.size();

    for (unsigned lI = 0; lI < lSizeDeletions; ++lI)
      t_entry lEntry = m_pendingDeletions.front();
      delete lEntry;

And that’s how I solved my big thread-safety issue. The FAQ at the top of the file is worth reading, and while I’m preplanning for t_id to be some kind of GUID functor, I’m just using unsigned int for that type in all cases right now. I welcome any questions, comments, or criticisms of my methodology, but try not to be too hard on me as this is the first time I’ve actually posted code I’ve written.

But that’s all for now. Like I said, I’ve actually managed to take the system much further in the last week, but I’m just swamped right now.  Hopefully I’ll have time to make the next post before that information is also out of date, but no promises.